Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hi Folks,
Haven't posted in a few days in part due to just walking (and riding) around the town and learning the bus routes, and in part due to slow internet.

We collected some more pictures to share with you.
Lanner Diaz (Cuban artist) acrylic painting of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, built in 1880, and is referred to as the 'new' cathedral,
Snapshot John took today on our walk.
John in the courtyard of our apartment.  Looking good, huh?  The bottlebrush is 10' tall.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we are trying to learn our way around via bus.  We said "hey, what do we have to lose?"  With our SENIOR bus cards, each ride is 12 cents each, we're not concerned about getting lost.  Blue buses are in-town routes and well-marked - sure they are!  We are not pressed for time - so off we go with much confidence and expectation.

We took the bus suggested by a young woman at the stop (we now know - don't ever get on #6)!  We started out in the bustling city with lots of riders, went ALL AROUND TOWN through many, many little neighborhoods and very, very narrow streets  How does a very large bus make a sharp turn onto a street about the width of a narrow driveway with high fences on both sides?  We don't know, we couldn't look  Our trip continued all around, and we said "hey, this is the way to see things".  Our enthusiasm and confidence and comfort level began to diminish when we went to a very high point above the city - and away from civilization.  By this time there were only 3 of us left on the bus.  Well, it's gotta turn around and go down - right?  The driver pulled up to a dead end, backed into an open parking area, turned off the motor, got out his clipboard and said "finished".  We asked if we could just stay on and ride back down?  No, you have to get off the bus and wait.  (It's 3:30 and when is the next bus?)  We weren't too thrilled about sharing a bench with the folks there and for who knows how long.  There were lots of loose dogs, a tethered goat, chickens, roosters and shantys.  However, the good news is that the panoramic view of the city was beautiful and one we might not have had otherwise.   And we waited only 10-15 minutes for the bus down.  As I said, stay off bus #6.

We found out that blue buses take the out-of-the-way routes and stop a lot.  The red buses stay on the main roads.  When the makes it stop, you have to quickly jump on at the front door, quickly hang on and sit down, and when you get to your stop, quickly jump off at the back door.
 Our "lucky" shots of this lovely city, even though it was a rather overcast day.

After all of that, we walked along Avenida Las Americas to "Gringo Land" and found the high rise condo where our friends from Nacogdoches, Texas live.  The Palermo.
This is the tallest condo in Cuenca.  After this was built, there were no more permits issued for buildings this high (17 floors w/penthouses).

We found the new location of the church where we will be attending.  The name of the church is Cuenca Christian Church.  The first service will be this Sunday.  The pastor and his wife (the Gaithers) are from North Carolina.  I'll send a picture later with another post.

A little Ecuadorian News----
"At the Bolivar Alliance for the Americas, President Rafael Correa spoke in opposition to some indigenous groups that 'puts the needs of people below those of nature'.  He has long argued that Ecuador must use its natural resources, especially oil, natural gas, gold and copper to improve the lives of its citizens and to strengthen the country's infrastructure."

Of the three major cities in Ecuador  (Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca), Cuenca is the most prosperous.

Not too many pics out lately the skies have been mostly overcast and some on and off drizzle.

We are still enjoying Cuenca in spite of this being winter, some days slow internet, and water off a couple of times for 2-3 hours each time and the "finicky" hot/cold water mix.  The culture, beauty of the mountains, friendliness of the people, and uniqueness of the city still outweigh the inconveniences (for now anyway).

Will post again real soon, but for now------

Hasta La Vista Nuestros Amigos,

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earthYou have set your glory above the heavens. ..................O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
Ps. 8:1.....9

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