Saturday, August 3, 2013


Buenos Noches Everybody,
The art around Cuenca is lovely, unique, weird, and in abundance.  We did attend an opening last night.  The artist is Lanner Diaz and works mainly in inks (drawings) and acrylics on canvas and board.  He is married to an Ecuadorian woman and lives here, but he is Cuban.  Will have a shot or two of his work later.

The first picture is a mural on the wall across from our apartment.  It depicts the culture of Ecuador.

This morning we just happened in a gallery that was closed, but they were setting up outside under the bridge for a commercial shoot.  We were allowed to go in (two floors).   Art is all over.  Just thought you guys might like to see some of it.

The first 6 are of the mural.  The hummingbird at the rock wall is where it begins.
This is painted on a large gate at the entrance of a School of Religious Education.
The remaining 5 were in the gallery we visited this morning.
Well you all, that's all for now.  Will post again after the weekend.  Enjoy!
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (fear), but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (sound mind)."
2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, August 1, 2013


We are still getting familiar with the city.  Taking is slower right now, we both are battling a cold.

Will post again in a few days.  We have some week-end dinner plans and art happenings we are checking out.


"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


OK - here are the promised pictures of a few of the birds and flowers.

Hope you can see the beauty of this area.  As we trekked through we were so aware of the beautiful sky. 

The last bird picture is a hummingbird that is over 6" tall.  One of 26 species here.  They were so enjoyable to watch.  We saw many more birds than this and have them on file to share later.

Will post again after we "explore and experience" more of Ecuador.


"His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet."
Nahum 1:3

Sunday, July 28, 2013


We began our Saturday walking up the "911" stairs at 5:30 a.m. to meet our Cajas National Park bird-watching tour group.  We met at 6:00.  There were 6 (including our guide Carlos).  We were driven to the entrance of the park and began our hike at 9,500 ' around a beautiful lake and meadow.  We saw many beautiful birds and flowers.  Our guide had downloaded software on his phone of the 'songs' of hundreds of birds in the area.  He would "call" a bird and it would call back and come.  Some of the trail was out in the open in the meadow and part of the trail was under a canopy of overlapping trees. We came upon a German Brewery.  It had been shut down during WWII and the people made to leave Ecuador.  Llamas and Alpacas were grazing in the meadow and along the mountainside.  We hiked (sometimes slowly and breathing heavily or barely) from 7:00 until noon.  By this time we had liked up to about 10,000' and back down (circling around the lake) to 9,500'. We had a lunch that had been prepared by the touring office.  We drove to another mountain-winding entrance at 12,000' and walked a short distance.  There was this incredible view and more birds of different species.  We had gone prepared with umbrella and rain poncho.  The sky was beautiful and the weather was dry and perfect.  We had only walked about 30 steps and I bent down to get a better look at this beautiful flower, and boy did my head spin.  I said "that's it for me" - no higher.  I was so proud of John, he was really a "trekker", however, we may not do this again - but we were really glad we went.  Carlos was hoping we would see at least 40 species - we saw 34.  We had also hoped to see the Condors flying.  There is a nest on a ledge on the side of the mountain.

Well, I could go on and on about the beautiful view, the fresh air and the healthy (though tired) bodies.

The folks we have talked to around here say the locals are pleased with what the President is doing for the country.  He is strengthening the infrastructure.  We are seeing a lot of new construction.

We are well and learning more of the customs and Spanish each day.  We still have not left the city proper (except the Cajas Mountains), but plan to take the bus out and around.  Hard to pace yourself when you want to see lots and experience much.

We hope all of you are doing well - we do miss you all and are so blessed by your friendships.

Let us hear from you.

Will send pictures of some of the birds and plants in next post.

Hasta la vista,
J & J

The Greatest Commandment--
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this, love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater than these."  Mark 12:30-31