It's me. The other half of the "Cuenca Roadrunners". And believe me, we've been running the roads too. We have almost gotten the bus routes down. We are now making transfers from one bus number to another bus number. It is saving us a lot of transit time in getting to our destination. Previously we just jumped on and road the full circuit of a particular bus knowing we would eventually get back to where we started. Today we bravely jumped off and on our transfers like seasoned pros and didn't miss a connection to any of our destinations. A completely well executed trip this time. No long, circuitous, scary (where the heck are we...) routes today. Boy, do we feel like we now know the ropes. We may yet live to eat our words though. So, let's see what we have been doing!
This is the Puenta Roto, or broken Bridge. The construction was completed in the late 1800's by the Spaniards and the Incans. Of course all is hand laid stones and bricks. It was the first bridge built over the Rio Tomebamba that could carry heavy traffic loads. As you can see it is now half gone. In 1958 there was much rain and heavy flooding above Cuenca and a wall of water came down the river severely flooding the city and washing away most of the bridge. It was decided to never rebuild this historic landmark.
Instead it is now marked as a monument.
You know how much we love flowering plants. As some of you know, we have a bank of Esperanza's along the side of our house and we love to see them full of summer blooms. You cannot imagine our shock when we realized these huge yellow flowering trees were in fact Esperanza's.
They grow into big trees here because they never freeze like at home. They are really something to look at.
As you can see they do get to be a pretty good size. If only we could get them to do this at home. What a sight to see.
Another beauty standing next to a colorful Blue Passion vine adorning a wall of a restaurant courtyard. The flowering plants are just everywhere you turn. Never seems to end.
Jean and I are getting in better shape each day due to the many stairs we must climb to go about our business. These are just a couple examples.
We refer to all of them as "911" stairs. We are almost up to making it all the way up without stopping. That's our goal.
Me taking a few quick deep breath's before heading up to El Centro Cuenca.
On our foray's into town we pass a small hole in the wall welding artisan. He is there every day making something. I live to stop and watch and he is very friendly and was happy for me, the gringo, to take some photos.
He makes a lot of different items and sells it all usually within a day or so. Really neat to watch.
This one was a work in progress.
As we may have told you, we have found a wonderful new church home at the Cuenca Christian Church. A non-denominational congregation very similar to our Trinity Fellowship at home.
It is brand new and last Sunday was the first meeting in the new church.
This is a new building and the church occupies the first floor. The remainder of the building are apartments. Very nice apartments and all but one is filled with congregation members. The pastor doesn't live here but two of the deacon's do. At least they have a short walk to services.
It is located about a 10 minuet bus ride for us from home. We feel lucky to have found this church and the great leadership here. We are enjoying it a lot. And had made many new friends in Christ.
As always on our walks I'm looking at all the murals and wall paintings about town. I find the talent and art simply fascinating and am continually snapping photos. The art in the galleries is wonderful but the street art gives them an grand challenge. Here's a couple more...
This is a older rendering of a ramp we often take into town on our daily walks. Part of it has now been turned into steps so as not to be too steep. Thanks to whomever......
We thank you for joining us on our continued adventure around Cuenca. This coming weekend we are going to be out in the country side visiting some ancient Incan ruins. We are looking forward to the trek and the photo opportunities that will surely follow. We will post again soon after with more updates and photo's.
Til then just know we love you all and think of you often.
Matthew 18:3 "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven".