Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hola Y'all
As you can see from John's entry - and the time lapse of our posting - we have been pretty busy.  We are just about to wear the rubber off of our tennis shoes.

Friday morning was such a beautiful warm and sunny day. We hopped a 12 cent bus and rode up to Turi (a small village and craft/shopping area at the top of the mountain).  There are shops, eating places, event area that is being remodeled, and a chapel - all built on the hillside.  We did a little shopping, walked UP to a leather shop and stopped in at a coffee bar for a cafe' con leche and enjoyed the view overlooking the village below.  A short walk down the hill is Internationally known ceramist Eduardo Vega's workshop/studio, gallery and home.  The beauty of his work is breath-taking - ranging from mugs,  jewelry, plates, dinner sets as well as wonderful murals that show the lushness of the Ecuadorian landscape and traditional costumes, customs and way of life.  It's a 'I want one-of-each' kind of place.  He is a wonderful artist.

 Beautiful view of central Cuenca from Turi.

UP the stairs to leather shop and coffee bar

Chapel in the Plaza.  We see this everyday from our apartment.  When the sun is out, it is lovely and white sitting on the hillside between the mountains.

Vega's Home

Entrance to Eduardo Vega's Gallery.

Mural at gallery entrance.

Then we had a really nice surprise!

Her name is Nina and we got to love on her.  What a great treat!

When we went on our bird-watching hike in the Cajas Moutains, we met Peg Rockel.  Last Sunday she and her husband, Mike met us after church.  We had lunch at the California Kitchen (owned by Americans) then walked to the Ruins of Todos Los Santos which are only about 5 blocks from the center of the historic district.  (Also known as the ruins of Pumapungo).

The site has ruins of the Canari, Inca and Colonial Spanish constructions layered one over the other.  The only evidence left are layers of stones that formed walls and living spaces.  All beautifully kept.

Then we walked through the gardens.  All kinds of flowering and fruit trees, shrubs, bedding plants, vines, vegetables and cacti were in abundance.  Didn't see a weed anywhere.

The next area was the aviary.  There were many beautifully colored parrots, toucans, condors. 

The entire area was clean and well cared for - and free to the public.  Great Day!

Mike and Peg Rockel have been here almost 3 years.  They are from North Carolina.

Looking toward the ruins.  Vegetable garden on the right.

More evidence of the past.

Lamas grazing inside the park area.

Lots and lots of birds - too many to share on this blog.

The vegetation is so lush and huge.  Great place to come on a pleasant day.

Tuesday while walking in El Centro, we came  upon a protest/parade.  Many different indigenous tribes were represented.  They were speaking out about the country drilling for oil in the Yasuni' preserve.  The government says the resources are needed for Ecuador to provide for the country.  The indigenous are afraid the preserves will be destroyed.  The group was very well organized and civil.  There was another at the same time in Guyaquil and in Quito.  The number of participants in Cuenca was in the 100's.  They chanted, carried flags and posters, and played music.  There were so many they were solid from sidewalk to sidewalk in the street and extended about 7-8 blocks.  The different style dress and hats depicts the different areas.  Very colorful.

We then visited an exceptionally clean market in the "hood" area.  The fruit and veggies were fabulous.  We came home with 2 bunches of really fresh green beans and 2 broccoli heads for a total of $2.00.  We can attest to the freshness and wonderful taste of the green beans.  We had them for dinner last night with John's fabulous meatloaf and creamed cauliflower.  I think we may have over eaten a little.  Oh well, we will walk it off tomorrow.

Well, so long for now you guys.  We miss all of you very much and think of you each day.  We pray all your needs be met.  We ask you keep up in your prayers.

Hasta luego,

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer"  Ps. 19:14

Blessing to you all......

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